Saturday, June 30, 2007

The other phalaenopsis

Sun Jye Daimond. (I'm not sure but on eBay it's named Sun Tye Daimond but web searches show it to be Jye not Tye. Oh well, not sure but I guess it has to be Jye).
This one is a deep purple type and already it is putting out a spike. I can't wait to see what it looks like. I hope the spike grows tall. Name: Sun Jye Diamond.

Taiwan Glory.
The one in back is a pink-purple and the one next to it is a Harlequin named Taiwan Glory; it should be cute. The small one in the back is the keiki I mentioned earlier. I damaged it roots and it lost one of its bigger leaf but it has since put out a new root and it looks like it will survive. Pretty much all these guys are growing new root systems, so I'm happy and confident they probably won't die.

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