Friday, July 27, 2007

Phalaenopsiis Seed Pod

After cross-pollenating with another Phalaenopsis, the stem started swelling up and the small cavity that was in the flower closed-up. I wonder how long before it is ready? Kinda cool… from an orchid grower POV that is.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Purple Phalaenopsis

I bought this new plant today at a chinese grocery store in my neighborhood. One of the leaf is sunburned but the flowers look really nice. Many of the roots are rotted or dead, so I had to cut them off. I'm always worried that the roots I cut off are important. There were some healthy roots but not many of them to at least support the flowers. Paid $15 but not sure if I should've bought it.

Friday, July 13, 2007

New Plants from eBay

Cattleya Blc. Hawaiian Passion

Phalaenopsis Spotted Deer 'KH6707' - I'm worried that this plant may not look like this.

Pot. Haw Yuan Gold 'YK#2'

This was a buy 3 get 1 free deal. Dendrobium - D Nill Mongkorn

Sunday, July 8, 2007

My bay window… again.

Took this photo slightly over-exposed to get more detail in the plants. I also moved the smaller cattleya seedlings towards the front.

Repotted my Tolumnia

Repotted my Tolumnia in a "take-out" soup container. I think it's perfect. Not sure how in the long run will the Tolumnia will take to it; I am trying not to use it as semi-hydro but I am trying to keep the humidity inside fairly high to match the sphag-moss it was originally planted in. Will keep updating its progress.

Poor dead little pink Phalaenopsis

Tragic. I guess the roots rotted. I'm sad.

Bedroom Orchids

I really like the soft colors on these guys.

afternoon. I've ordered a light meter online, gonna try taking metering of the windows around my home through out the day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Odom's Sweetheart (Blc Toshie Aoki x Slc Wendy's Valentine) 'Red Beauty' 2

Lots of algae on the medium but I read its not bad. Using Physan 20 in my orchid spray should keep the algae in control. I hope the new growth means new roots; the shriveled back leaves means rotted roots.
The other plant seems to have three new growths but no new roots yet.

Yellow Oncidium "Dancing Ladies"

This is a cutting and it's growing like a weed. I learned that crinkled leaves is a sign of not enough watering. So now I try to keep the medium moist.

Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum

I noticed nubs on the stalks. I hope they turn into flowers but with me recently repotting the plant it, may not?

Three Cattleyas from eBay

Flowers I got from two ebay purchases:

Pot. Ching Hua Flame 'Red Rose'

Blc. Shinfong Luohyang 'Tian-Mu'

Blc. Lily Marie Almas 'MGR' the picture is for 'MAJ'

C Netrasiri Starbright X BLC Rattanakosin

This is my struggling seedling I got from ebay. I originally got two but one died. The picture below shows the parents of the seedling. I got the plant from Bill_Asia and he sends them bare rooted and almost dried out. The sample below is suppose to be average but the seedling you see above is tiny. Any rate, I hope it lives.

New Dendrobium, Oncidiums and Tolumnia

This is Tolumnia Popoki 'Red'. It's a real pretty plant, the flowers are actually more magenta-cyclamen in color but it looks red in the photo (probably due to the incandescent light). When I brought it home I broke the flower stem off (oh well) and I put it in a bottle of water so I can photograph it.

The thing is, when I bought this baby off ebay, the seller said it was mounted but when I got it, it was potted. I was hoping for a mounted one but either way, I'm glad I got this tolumnia. I don't know if it will survive thought, thinking about putting it in dyna-rok but not sure if I should? Its in sphagnum moss so I'm guessing the roots are acclimatize to moist conditions?

Milton picked this oncidium up for me from an orchid nursery in Half Moon Bay. It's so cute! He's got himself, I think, a total of three plants. I'm tempted to get more. I'm guessing its an "oncidium ornithorhynchum"... I can't pronounce this last name. I can't stop myself from potting it in a big pot and in dyna-rok. By doing this, the flowers will most likely drop off.

Dendrobium thrysiflorum in front and oncidium "Twinkles" under a cattleya leaf to the right. The oncidium suppose to have white flowers with yellow centers and smell like vanilla.