Monday, January 24, 2011


Flowering at work.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 2011, moving my orchids.

Well, New Year's day and I have started to move my orchid collection to work. I took a few of my Phalaenopsis and placed them on a big window sill near my cubicle, just to see how they will fit in. Next weekend, I'm going to move my entire collection.

I've also been repotting my cattelyas today into Hyrdroton. Grand Dragon, Edisto Newberry (kind of damaged it a bit), Chia Lin among a few. I tried to repot 'Good Life' but its roots were massive (no wonder it flowered every year) and totally holding on to its medium. I couldn't begin to try and pry it loose. It needs to go into a bigger pot but I can't provide that till after I move into my new house. I hope disturbing its roots didn't upset it too much.