Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cattleya buds and more

Wow, for the first time. Chia Lin might actually produce a flower for me!
I'm starting to think that I need stronger growlights. This cattleya was grown on my window sill.
December 2nd, This picture is an update. Chia Lin flowered for the first time. It tried again but the flower aborted.

Port Royal Sound, to my surprise, is growing a flower bud. Its root system is small and the leaves on its new growth are tiny; yet it has a flower bud. I'm gona keep an eye on it to see if it actually blooms.

Good Ol' "Good Life" this time its producing maybe a possible 6 giant flowers! Whoopie!

My little yellow cattleya that I got from Hawaii. Its putting out flower buds. Since I cut it up into several plants and potted them together in clay aggregate, its doing well.

This dendrobium put out a new growth and now a flower bud. cool.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What Happening

Oncidium Twinkle

I tried to transplant this dendrobium keiki but it died from too much moisture. blah.

I was surprised this yellow flowered after a pot transplant.

New Orchids purchased Nov 30th, 2008

above: Pot. Ching Hua Flame 'Red Rose M.S.
Bought this larger plant to replace the seedling that died.

above: Pot. Hey Song 'Tian Mu' AM/AOS M.S.
This guy was $50. And it was kind of a small plant. I had expected a larger plant for the price.
I've seen photos of how wonderful this red flower is (below).

Blc. Taiwan Beauty Girl 'Red D M.S.
I'm worried I may have damaged this plant. Its a very nice red from what I can tell from the web sites.