This is Tolumnia Popoki 'Red'. It's a real pretty plant, the flowers are actually more magenta-cyclamen in color but it looks red in the photo (probably due to the incandescent light). When I brought it home I broke the flower stem off (oh well) and I put it in a bottle of water so I can photograph it.

The thing is, when I bought this baby off ebay, the seller said it was mounted but when I got it, it was potted. I was hoping for a mounted one but either way, I'm glad I got this tolumnia. I don't know if it will survive thought, thinking about putting it in dyna-rok but not sure if I should? Its in sphagnum moss so I'm guessing the roots are acclimatize to moist conditions?

Milton picked this oncidium up for me from an orchid nursery in Half Moon Bay. It's so cute! He's got himself, I think, a total of three plants. I'm tempted to get more. I'm guessing its an "oncidium ornithorhynchum"... I can't pronounce this last name. I can't stop myself from potting it in a big pot and in dyna-rok. By doing this, the flowers will most likely drop off.

Dendrobium thrysiflorum in front and oncidium "Twinkles" under a cattleya leaf to the right. The oncidium suppose to have white flowers with yellow centers and smell like vanilla.
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