Moved plants around. grouped all the Chia Lins together and Shingfong Beauty 'Water Red's.
I've also been collecting rain water, since its the rain season. I wish I had a cistern.

Did a bunch of rearranging.

Moved my denrobium Thyrisiflorum to the bottom shelf. Want to see how it will react to LED grow lights. I am hoping Sanyung Ruby 'Grand Dragon' will flower from its new shoot.

Moved Good Life, Camela and 3 Lavender colored Cattleyas to the kitchen sink window. My dendrobiums are growing crooked towards the window. Can't seem to keep em straight.

I placed all the Phalaenopsis' into the bay window area; they should all be flowering soon. Leaves are good and so are the roots! My oncidium 'twinkles' seem to be stunted. I saw an aborted attempt at putting out a flower spike. I had to treat it for mealy bugs and I think I may have used too much neem oil to kill the pests.
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