Unknown Purple Growing New Shoots

Chia Lin, New City cutting with new juicy roots.

2 Chia Lin 'New City' cuttings.

2 Chia Lin 'New City' cuttings.

Chia Lin 'Red Rose' old back bulb.

BLC Hawaiian Passion seedlings showing growth.

Chunyeah 'Good Life No. 1' is putting out new growth and lots of roots.

Blc. Shinfong Luohyang 'Tian-Mu'

Jim Elmore 'Sweetheart'

Port Royal Sound 'Big Red'

Blc. Chrissy Compton 'Mary Piazza' back bulb new growth.

Pot. Haw Yuan Gold 'YK#2'

Shingfong Beauty 'Water Red'

Side Keiki on purple phal.

Blc. Sanyung Ruby 'Grand Dragon'

Two shoots from Carolina Splendor cross

Odom's Sweetheart 'Red Rose' back bulb with new growth.

Edisto 'Newberry' with 2 new growth.