I divided both Chia Lin 'Red Rose' and 'PCT' into a few cuttings and replanted them. I made a mistake cutting 'Red Rose' and ended with a damaged leaf with bud; I put it into a jar with water and rooting hormone hoping to maybe root it. As suspected, the original roots have rotted but the cattleyas are growing new roots to adapt to the moist medium. Probably why they haven't flowered.

I couldn't resist dividing one of my Odom's Sweatheart 'Red Beauty' into two. I hope that the back bulb will bud. The other one looked like it will be okay and I didn't want to gamble dividing both.

Gosh I hope they don't die. I used cinnamon powder for the first time as a anti-fungal agent for the site of the cutting.

Close up of another division of Tolumnia Popoki. So far 7 in total.
I discovered one of the tolumnia's center had rotted and I was able to pull apart the plant into two.