Spent most of Sunday rewiring my plant stand. Wanting to simplify the dangling cords and find a way to reduce the noise of the AC fans, I went to Home Depot and bought an inline dimmer, more electrical cable, connector nuts, crimp tool and stuff I didn't need (scissors and ratchet wrench) & went to Minton's Lumber to get more 6-32 nuts.
The dimmer worked like magic. I can now control the speed of the fans and therefore the amount of noise they make. I managed to reduce the amount of cord down to just 3, from 6. IT wasn't easy but I got it done in one day; I nearly damaged one of the lights when trying to clear a solder filled hole from the circuit board, I applied so much heat that the printed circuit came apart. Oops! Thankfully, it didn't completely damage it and it still works. I ordered a 6 outlet power strip from Amazon.com that I now think I don't need. I expect delivery of a digital timer so I can put my plant stand on a schedule.

Here is the nutty diagram I drew the night before.