This is an update pic of the flowers from this tolumnia.

I was happy to discover a second tolumnia sending out two flower shoots! Can't wait to see if this guy is identical to my other Popoki. Though they should be clones.

Applied rooting hormone and waiting to see if this guy recovers. Gold Y2K lost its shoot and roots due to my over watering. I need to bag this one.

Two more guys I dipped in rooting hormone. Now I wait to see if new shoots pop out?
I put bags over it help it maintain some humidity since having no roots makes it vulnerable to drying out.

Chia Lin Red Rose lost its new shoot to over-watering rot. I'm so sad about this one. But as with the three above, rooting hormone, bag and wait'n'see.
though not pictured here. I found that BLC Hawaiian Passion has put out a new shoot. Will try to grab pic of it. Also, discovered that BLC. Chrissy Compton 'Mary Piazza' has long roots and its in the water. cool! Actually, though there were failures with the roots and shoots of some, others have shown great growth and roots that have grown into the water reservoir.